Cost & Features: Custom CRM Software Development in 2021

Custom CRM development has become the need of the hour ever since the pandemic has hit our world. Businesses that used to interact with their customers in a traditional way, are now looking for a more reliable, fast, strong, and steady solution that can help them in managing customers and their data in a unified manner.

With more than 300 CRM solutions in the market, it becomes a tough job for businesses to select the right CRM platform with the right solution.

If you are planning to build custom CRM software for your business, then you have landed on the right page. In this post, we will discuss all the essential points that you can keep in mind while you hire a custom CRM development company.

Custom CRM Development – An Introduction

A tailor-made tool that is designed to help businesses in managing their customer data, the tool is called a custom Customer Relationship Management (CRM) tool.

In the present epoch, many billion dollar companies are working with custom CRM solutions. And the demand for the platform is surging high with every passing year. According to a survey, the market of CRM is expected to reach $113.46 billion by 2027 and it will grow at a CAGR of 14.2%.

The amazing growing figure of custom CRM shows how this brilliant tool is making the lives of business owners smooth. There are many benefits of having custom CRM development services. Some of the important ones are as follows:

  • Aggregation of the customer data such as their contact details, order history, communication chain, and status of transactions.
  • Easy integration with chats, calls, emails. Collection of data becomes easy, and it will be helpful for the sales & marketing team.
  • Easy analysis of customer retention rate, churn rate, rate of conversion, and many other factors.
  • Custom CRM solutions mitigate the problem of manual errors, data duplicity, etc.
  • Businesses that customize their CRM solutions experience better collaboration between the teams.


Different Types of Customer Relationship Management (CRM) Software

CRM software is an elaborative solution, and to understand it properly, one must understand the different types of CRM solutions. It will help you analyze and choose the best type, as per the requirement of your business. Before you hire a custom CRM development company, make sure you know about these different types of CRM solutions:

Operational CRM Systems – A perfect solution to meet the short-term objectives. The CRM system deals with marketing, service automation, and sales in a business.


Analytical CRM Systems – It enables businesses to recognize the behaviour of their customers based on analyzing the data received via an operational system.


Strategic CRM Systems – This type of CRM system enable businesses to achieve long-term customer relationship. The system collects the data of customers in a knowledge base and helps teams come up with strategic planning.


Collaborative CRM Systems – Evident to its name, this type of CRM system help building better synchronization between companies and customers across multiple channels such as call, emails, websites, social networks, etc. A user can also integrate a tracking system and custom communication tools with this type of CRM system.


Wide Range of Features of Custom CRM System

Before you dive into the customer CRM software development process, understand the following features that will help you make a wise decision.


Address Book

Through a custom CRM solution, a business can manage a proper address book of each client including their names, email addresses, locations, social handles, etc. CRM collects information through their social profiles and presents data to the teams in a more strategized manner.


Lead Management

Another feature of custom CRM development that will amaze you is its lead management capability. From cold calls to the first meeting, and from negotiation to the closing of a deal, CRM creates a journey for every client that helps the sales team manage and close leads efficiently.


Excellent Forecasting

Connect with an experienced custom CRM development company and it will let you leverage brilliant sales and marketing analytics tools that will help you forecast precisely. CRM software is compact with advanced calendars, sales history, and analytics tools that will help businesses view & analyze the success of any campaign, market trends, and ROIs.


Task Management

A well-built custom CRM solution will send issues and notifications for the forthcoming activities. It will enable the team to manage tasks along with a holistic view of sales pipelines, reports, dashboards, and running operations.

Help Desk

One of the best features of custom CRM software is the integration of an advanced help desk. A team can easily view the requests and queries of customers excellently.


Different Types of Modules For Custom CRM Software Development and The Cost of Development

Generally, there are three different types of modules. Each module has its own speciality. These modules are sales, marketing, and customer support modules. 

Developing each module involves a separate cost of development. There are many factors that affect the cost of custom CRM development like complexity, business processes, time involved, amount of effort, etc.

Let’s talk about different modules separately and understand the cost of development.

Custom CRM Development – Sales Module

The sales team module is a blessing for a sales team. It automates the routine tasks for the team and improves their efficiency. This module helps the sales team close deals rapidly, easily track the leads, and many other systems.

Following are the common functionalities of all the sales modules in custom CRM:

  • Account and lead management
  • Advanced sales analytics
  • Sales planning and forecasting
  • Opportunities, pipelines, contacts, tasks management
  • Strong reporting and dashboard

Cost of Custom CRM development – Sales Modules

  • $35,000- $40,000 for accounts and lead management
  • $8000 – $10,000 for advance sales analytics
  • $8000 – $11000 for sales planning and forecasting module


Custom CRM Development – Marketing Module

Bringing automation into the marketing process is the major task of this module so that the marketing team can create successful marketing companies and reach the desired audience. Businesses can execute an event-based marketing plan with the help of this module.

Following are the common functionalities of all the marketing modules in custom CRM:

  • Marketing Campaign Management
  • Customer Segmentation
  • Marketing Analytics

Cost of Custom CRM development – Marketing Modules

  • $9000 – $12000 for the marketing campaign management
  • $7000 – $9000 for customer segmentation
  • $5000 – $8000 for the marketing analytics module


Custom CRM Development – Customer Support Module

A business that has well-established customer support has higher chances to survive in the cut-throat competition. With the customer support module, you can bring automation to the tasks of the support department that will enhance the assistance quality and efficiency of customer service agents. It works as a single source of truth for all customer-related data available across diverse platforms.

Following are the common functionalities of all the customer support modules in custom CRM:

  • Help desk and agent console
  • Knowledge base
  • Service analytics


Cost of Custom CRM development – Customer Support Modules

  • $21000-$30000 for the help desk and agent console
  • $5400-$6000 for the knowledge base module
  • $7000-$9000 for the service analytics feature for customer support modules


Other types of costs involved in Custom CRM Development Services

Apart from the above-discussed factors, there are many others that will impact the cost of custom CRM development.

Cost of project development – When you build custom CRM software, there’s a certain ratio fixed for project development cost that involves all the basic requirements for CRM software. It includes marketing analysis, domestic research, developer recommendations, etc.

Cost of staff training – This cost is directly associated with the time & efforts spent on a particular project. For example, an employee acquires knowledge on a project and then transfers the knowledge to the rest of the employees.

Cost of technical support – Custom CRM development services include the cost of technical support. Have a robust technical support service team that can solve users’ problems effectively.

Cost of Update & Upgrades – Update and upgrades is a continuous process in custom CRM development. The cost of updates and deployments will affect the overall cost of development.


The Bottom Line

Custom CRM development involves lots of complexities. It will only prove helpful for business if it is done in the right way. In the post above, we have discussed all the factors that involve custom CRM development services.

We have talked about the different modules and the factors that will affect the price of custom CRM development. We hope that when you hire a custom CRM development company for your business, our post will come in handy for you.

Start the journey of your custom CRM software development with FEXLE Services. It is a Salesforce Gold Consulting Partner with 13 plus years of industry experience. Build your custom CRM software with FEXLE and its team of certified developers, and rest assured of the quality solution.

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