Salesforce CRM Analytics – An Ultimate Guide for Successful Business Implementation

Salesforce implementation Service – Every business (small or large-scale enterprise) seeking it for digital transformation. Being the world’s number one cloud CRM system, Salesforce has turned the table for different industries, and we are not stating it in a hyperbolic term. Be it integration, implementation, or migration, Salesforce has always remained reverent towards business success. 

Salesforce CRM comes with myriad features, but one feature that sets it apart from its contemporaries is its strong analytical capabilities. 

The cloud giant has christened this feature as CRM Analytics.

Formerly known as Einstein Analytics and Tableau CRM, this business intelligence tool empowers businesses to collect data from different sources and visualize it per business requirements.


Why is CRM Analytics Implementation Reverent for Businesses?

  • Salesforce reports that companies using Einstein Analytics (Salesforce’s AI and machine learning platform) for sales forecasting saw a 26% improvement in forecast accuracy.
  • A study by Gartner (2023) found that businesses leveraging CRM analytics for customer segmentation and targeted campaigns experienced a 15% reduction in customer churn.
  •  A Salesforce study (2022) revealed that 74% of high-performing sales teams leverage CRM analytics to gain insights and make data-driven decisions.
  • Forrester Research (2023) estimates that companies using CRM analytics for sales performance management can expect an average return on investment (ROI) of 321%.
  • A study by McKinsey & Company (2022) found that companies that empower employees with data and analytics tools see a 10-15% increase in employee satisfaction.

This can translate to improved data adoption within the CRM and better utilization of analytics features.


Top Features of Salesforce CRM Analytics (Einstein Analytics)

Ever since Salesforce acquired Tableau, its popularity has risen with each day. All thanks to the innovative & helpful features of this tool that help companies with intelligent insights on different aspects of the business processes. 

Here are the top features of CRM Analytics that will replenish your business growth – 

Dynamic Dashboards

CRM Analytics comes with in-built dynamic dashboards and reporting features. For businesses who are new to this tool, they will find pre-built sample datasets, dashboards, and applications that will help them explore the tool.

With the help of dashboards, businesses can view their data in different and easy-to-understand visualizations.


Easy Connection with Data from Different Sources

A business has to tackle data that comes from different sources. Handling humongous data from different sources is a daunting task, but not with CRM analytics. Integrate CRM Analytics with your existing system you will be able to analyze data in a unified place without compromising its quality.

Whether you want your data to get processed from Google BigQuery or SAP, or if it is a CSV file, CRM analytics can access each data with utmost perfection.

Automatic Case Routing

CRM analytics implementation has made case routing super easy. The automation in assigning cases to the best-fit queue has mitigated human intervention and the errors that occur due to manual processes.

It dramatically optimizes case resolution time and ultimately leads to higher customer satisfaction.


Self Serving Recommendation

Salesforce Einstein Analytics comes with generative AI capabilities. It means that now users do not have to search for required information from the plethora of articles, with the intelligent search feature, users now only have to put a keyword, and the entire knowledge base articles repository will come to users’ rescue.


Einstein Discovery for Accurate Recommendation

As we have discussed above the granular analytical capabilities of CRM Analytics, we would extend our thoughts to describe this feature that allows businesses to analyze the dynamics of past and present and accurately predict the future in terms of sales, customer, acquisition, ROI, and more.

Einstein discovery feature of this tool analyzes several KPIs and accordingly recommends the most insightful & top-performing outcomes.


How CRM Analytics (Tableau CRM) Implementation Benefits Different Industries

CRM analytics isn’t a one-size-fits-all solution, but its benefits are vast and extend across numerous industries. Here at FEXLE, a trusted Salesforce consulting partner offering top-tier Salesforce consulting services, we understand the unique needs of each sector. Let’s explore how CRM analytics can revolutionize specific industries:

CRM Analytics for Retail

Gain a deeper understanding of customer buying behavior and personalize marketing campaigns for increased sales. Analyze product performance data to optimize inventory management and identify upselling/cross-selling opportunities.

Einstein Analytics for Manufacturing

Track production efficiency, identify bottlenecks in the supply chain, and optimize resource allocation. Analyze customer service data to improve product quality and predict potential maintenance issues.

Healthcare CRM Analytics

Monitor patient outcomes, identify trends in disease prevalence, and personalize treatment plans. Enhance care coordination by gaining a 360-degree view of patient data throughout the healthcare journey.

CRM Analytics for Financial Services

Craft personalized financial products and services based on customer needs and risk profiles. Analyze market trends and predict customer behavior to make informed investment decisions.

Non-profit Organizations with CRM Analytics

Track donor engagement, identify fundraising opportunities, and measure the success of outreach programs. Use data to tailor communication strategies and maximize the impact of fundraising efforts.

These are just a few examples. Regardless of your industry, CRM analytics can empower your organization to make data-driven decisions, improve operational efficiency, and achieve your strategic goals.


Best 6 Advantages of CRM Analytics that Will Help You Experience an Uncrumpled Business Growth

Un-creased Data Analysis

CRM analytics comes with powerful data analysis and visualization features that will help you make informed decisions. According to a survey by Salesforce 74% of businesses that are using Tableau CRM have reported an improvement in their decision-making capabilities.

Representation of data in the form of charts, graphs, etc., makes data analysis super easy.


One of the best parts of using Salesforce CRM analytics is its ability to deliver easy-to-understand data analysis. A user does not have to rely on an IT team or be aware of any programming language to understand the data.

They can create custom dashboards and reports that can be interpreted easily by anyone on the team.

Collaboration with Cross Functionality

Einstein CRM is androgynous as it has the quality of providing centralized data to different teams and departments, and improves collaboration among team members, stakeholders, etc.

From dashboards to reports, and insights, users can foster a culture of data-driven decision-making that drives fecund business results.

Predictive Analytics

If your business is not harnessing the power of AI and machine learning, it will dormant the growth in many ways. However with CRM Analytics by your side, you can get full control over your mercurial data, analyze it, and accordingly make proactive plans, optimize your resource planning, and improve decision-making.

Real-time Monitoring

CRM Analytics comes with the advantage of delivering actionable insights that spur business growth. Actionable insights help sales and marketing teams analyze customer behavior, market trends, and other dynamics that will help them optimize campaign performance.

Along with actionable insights, the CRM tool also gives the facility to monitor KPIs and other metrics in real time. Real-time data visibility accelerates quick decision-making, which spurs Return on Salesforce Investment.

Hire the Pantheon of CRM Analytics Certified Experts & Leverage Data Insights Like Never Before

To harness the power of CRM Analytics, it is imperative for businesses to hire a Salesforce consulting partner. A team of certified Salesforce consultants will help you understand the tics and tacks of the tool as per your business requirements, and help you with business transformation by harnessing data and insights through Salesforce CRM analytics.

Let’s transpire the way to leverage Salesforce consulting company to its fullest – 

  • Before you hire a Salesforce partner, make sure you have properly defined your business goals and objectives. And Salesforce consulting company can help you in this endeavor. 
  • Once your plan and goals get aligned, Salesforce CRM experts collect and organize your data from myriad sources and help you set up a data pipeline.
  • It’s time to play with your data. Hire CRM Analytics experts, they will help you create intuitive dashboards and easy-to-understand reports that will help you churn the most out of your data.
  • CRM Analytics professionals will interpret data for you and help you identify trends for insightful decision-making.



It’s time for innovation, do not get fettered or overwhelmed by the data. Hire a professional who will help you use data smartly and guide you in overcoming each loophole.

Don’t let any provocation hamper your success; FEXLE and the team of certified Salesforce experts are proficient in CRM analytics implementation. Schedule a call and join us on a journey to success.


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