The Rise of On-demand Apps During Coronavirus Outbreak – How We Can Help You With?

As per the recent data approx 7.1 Million people are affected by the coronavirus. This number is increasing rapidly each day.

While I am writing this post, many people are eventually getting affected by this virus; such is the spread rate of this virus.

Because of the ill effects of the pandemic, billions of people are sent to quarantine centers. This novel Coronavirus not only affected people’s health but also the health of the world’s economy. Because of the widespread of the corona, people are struggling to get daily use of basic services.

covid effect

Image Source: Statista 

This is the situation in which the eCommerce industry should leverage. At present access to daily essentials and goods is a tricky task. Therefore, the eCommerce industry should prepare the right business model to handle surging demand.

In this post, we will discuss the advent of on-demand applications and how on-demand applications can help in handling your basic requirements. We will also tell you about Fexle Services and its strong on-demand app development services which you can hire at the most competitive price.

on demand solution


What is the On-Demand industry and how is it helpful in COVID 19?


The On-demand industry works on customer’s demand by offering them run time access to products and services. The on-demand apps also refer to the product and services which can be ordered any time and we can avail them anytime, anywhere.

People are looking for such apps that help them to get their desired product or service at their doorstep without any trouble during the Covid-19 outbreak.

The On-Demand applications help people to get the product or services without going to the shop or service station with just a few clicks.


Why your business needs On-demand applications.


Due to the global COVID 19 effect, people want their choice of product and services without any inconvenience and without compromising with their safety.

At this time when this life-threatening virus is at outbreak, in such a time we can see massive growth in on-demand mobile apps at the global level.

In the present time when meeting and mingling with others is dangerous, and due to which the businesses which are dealing in essential goods for them it is the best time to invest in the on-demand app development because the on-demand apps play an impactful role between customers and business and bridges the gap of demand and supply.

There are multiple benefits which these on-demand apps have in their bucket. These benefits are quite helpful in the present situation when social distancing becomes the new normal.

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Some of the major benefits include paperless transactions, secure delivery process, and real-time approach that help business and customers both to prevent from this life harming global pandemic.

On-Demand Food Delivery Apps: Nowadays, on-demand food delivery apps are helping people to satisfy their food cravings. Various restaurants are delivering food via on-demand food delivery apps and make the food delivery process easy.

There are some examples of popular food delivery applications: Doordash, Grubhub and Ubereats.

Grocery Delivery Apps: These applications offer grocery delivery services to customers on their doorstep.

Some of the popular grocery delivery applications that deliver necessities to consumers include names such as UnionCoop, Carrefour Now, Waitrose & Partners, etc.

The grocery delivery industries get modernized with such on-demand apps that work as a bridge between consumers and grocery stores in COVID 19-crisis.

Tele Conferencing app: At the present time, people who are stuck at home want to connect with others using teleconferencing apps. In this modern arena, these types of applications are playing an impactful role to connect people with their offices, colleges, and work stations. There is a surge in demand for such apps. Some of the popular teleconferencing on-demand mobile apps are Zoom, Skype for business, Google Hangout, etc.

Workout Apps: At this time when every place is shut, the gym is no exception. To help health enthusiasts in this crisis, companies have developed multiple workout applications that will help people to shred their bodies and flaunt their 6 packs like ever.

Staying fit amidst this Covid-19 crisis is so much easier, all thanks to on-demand workout applications such as Alo Moves, Trainic, etc. Thousands of workout videos and sessions are waiting for health enthusiasts like you.


How can Fexle Help Businesses?


Covid19 is just not a health emergency but also it is impacting many other things such as the economy. During the lockdown, most of the businesses are getting affected and in such a situation, on-demand apps are proving as a boon.

To make sure your business survives, you need to enter into an online business with a strategic plan on how to deliver your services to the customer’s doorstep.

Fexle can help in such a situation where you want to start the business with the on-demand industry solution. It is a good time to capture massive growth in online business and increase the reach of the products and services directly to customers.

You can deal in industries such as food, grocery, laundry, pharma, and healthcare to name a few.

Connect with the strong on-demand mobile app developers at Fexle. We will help you to make immersive, interactive, scalable, and strong on-demand apps to enable you to streamline your B2C and B2B operations.

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